Thursday, September 24, 2009

One of THOSE mornings...

Today was one of those mornings.

I could not, for the life of me remember what time my doc's appt was. For most people that's not a huge problem, but we live a solid 45 min away...WITHOUT rain.

I called at 8:30 when they opened and found out the appt was at 9:30 so it was out the door we went. Rainy and chilly. Only about 58 or 59 degrees out here this morning.

Let me give you the quick version...

The umbrella I had turned out to be broken.
My hair got completely tangled in said umbrella.
Little Man picked 3 very inconvenient times to need to potty.
One of those times turned into poop which meant I had to strip him down & take his underwear off. (While the doctor was waiting on me)
I was nearly 10 min late for my appt.

On the plus side: Peanut was calmer and quieter than I think he's ever been up there. Once you put him in a stroller he just gets MAD.

As far as the appt goes, the good news is that my cervix is still closed. The 'eh' news is that my fluid is borderline low. So not really low just yet & I'm hoping it doesn't get there. The protein is a little higher than it should be so I get to do another wonderful 24hr urine next week. YAY ME. *sigh*

I'm concerned that once that cerclage (stitch) starts to slip I'm going to dilate very quickly. I can totally feel my body trying to do something but so far the cerclage is holding strong. Thank goodness!

I have no idea how much longer this is all going to last but she did mention hope for at least a couple of more weeks today. While it's not ideal, it'd be SO much better than now!!

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