Monday, September 28, 2009

An Eventful Day

First I had to make an appt for Little Man for the doctor. He woke up yesterday with fever and a cough. Since I'm pregnant I felt it was best that we ruled out the flu and that we did today. Definitely not the flu. 5 days of antibiotics and life will go on.

Then I saw my doc today. Fluid is a little lower. I go back on Thurs to have it checked. I'm a little concerned that Thurs could end up being the big day. I'm literally one cm of fluid away from being considered 'low' on fluid, which isn't good for baby. My contractions have actually eased up some and the protein in my urine is gone...all great news.

I've finally uploaded pics of Little Man's birthday party from Sat and will be uploading those hopefully tomorrow. That really depends on how much cuddling he wants though. :)

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