Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mac N Cheese Delight

Oh how I love this child. I love them both obviously. They both crack me up. Today was Peanut's turn.

Lunch time can be a little chaotic around here. I like to have Little Man ready to get on the bus about 12:15 so there is no scurrying around at the last minute. He can play in his room and come running down the hall all excited, "The bus is here! The bus is here!" to let me know, lol. Once he's on the bus I can come back in and put Peanut down for his nap with a full belly, leaving me to get things done or more likely these

But lunch time usually consists of me trying to keep Peanut calm until his is ready and me practically begging Little Man to eat something. Today Little Man reluctantly picked a PB & Honey sandwich. He chose triangles instead of squares and wanted there to be 4 of them instead of 2. No Problem. I was going to make grilled cheese for all of us but since Little Man preferred PB&H I made myself & Peanut some mac n cheese.

With lunch I usually find myself providing something for Peanut that he can feed to himself. First of all, he prefers to feed himself. He's not interested in using utensils for anything but chew toys and drumsticks for now so it's often times messy. And I am usually so busy trying to get Little Man to eat that it's distracting.

Today was no exception. He was so proud of himself, shoveling it in one fistful at a time. Too cute not to share. Clean up was awful. I forgot to put his bib on him which meant a total strip down. I pulled the tray off of him and of course his lap was also covered in mac n cheese, lol.

And these two pics, just for fun. It's been a while since I've gotten a picture of them together. Peanut doesn't ever stand still long enough!

Ever since Little Man found this in his closet the other day, I think he wants to be Thomas again for Halloween this year.

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