Sunday, September 20, 2009

Taking Bets

Okay, I'm taking bets now on how much longer I'll be pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I really hope & pray that it's still several more weeks. I'm only 32 weeks now (Peanut was a 32 weeker) but I can feel my body working against me. I'm on medication for contractions and I can tell when it's time to take the next pill because I can feel the contractions intensify.

I might just be overly nervous this time as I'd really REALLY like to make sure my (sewed up) cervix isn't ripped apart due to a quick dilation. I'm nervous that I'm not going to know when it's really time to be at the hospital. Obviously I see my doc weekly but I'm nervous.

I'm incredibly uncomfortable. Last week I started an antibiotic at the same time as the med for the contractions. One of those 2 meds is making me incredibly sick. I'm taking myself off the antibiotic long enough to figure out which one. Today I did nothing but lay around. I don't know how I'm going to function tomorrow once Hubby is back at work if I'm not feeling a ton better. This is just's truly worse than any morning sickness I've ever had as it's combined with excessive reflux issues. Ugh.

I do love me some Sonic Ice though. Peanut really likes it too. He knows what a sonic cup is and comes running when he sees it, lol.

I'm supposed to be spending this week getting ready for Little Man's birthday party. I'm hopeful at least a couple of his school friends will show up but even if they don't we're all going to have a great time.

All I can say tonight is, "UGH!"

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