Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pre-Birthday Party

The past 2 years we've not been able to give Little Man much of a party for reasons beyond our control. Such as last year I was in the hospital and it was cancelled last minute.

This year we decided we'd be extra cautious and plan his birthday party early in hopes of their new brother's arrival not throwing a wrench into any of our plans. So far so good.

We've rented a bouncer for the day along with a sno-cone machine (which is really for me & the hubby, hahahaha) and invited lots of little friends.

At this point I have no idea what the turn out will be. Between the flu & another stomach virus going around kids are dropping like flies, lol.

But today I realized, it's okay. Even if NONE of the kids showed up (I know that won't happen because I do know of at least 3 kids coming) it wouldn't matter. They are outside setting up the pirate themed bouncer. I told him to go look out his window and he came running back in here screaming, "A pirate ship! a pirate ship!!!" And now my heart is content. It doesn't matter how many kids show up because he's going to have an awesome day no matter what.

Of course there will be pictures later!

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