Sunday, June 22, 2008

Busy Week

Things have been pretty crazy. Actually, it's just mostly things with Peanut that are crazy. I feel SO bad for him. His reflux is getting worse, his episodes with the bad gas are getting worse & more frequent and I just feel for him. Thanks to all of this Hubby & I are going without a lot of sleep. Sleep is obviously a commodity in any household with a newborn but I'm really ready for him to settle into some sort of schedule. I'll take ANYTHING at this point, lol. This is where it's difficult to balance things. He might be 8 weeks old but corrected he's only a week old. He's acting more like the one week old would, lol.

Anyways, for Father's Day we went into town and went swimming!!! Gosh I love swimming! Here is a picture of Little Man hanging out in the pool.

Here's a really cute picture of Little Man with his cousins. We've been trying for 2 1/2 years to get a picture with all 3 of them looking in the same direction at the same time. Finally got it!

Yesterday & today we did yard work. We finally put something down to edge the flower beds in the front of the house. We think it came out pretty well.

Now if we could just get the grass to grow. Actually, we REALLY need some rain. I cannot even tell you the last time we had rain out here. It rains 15 miles south of us, 5 miles east of us, etc...but NOT here. So frustrating.

And finally, I'm going to have to put my creative hat on soon. Peanut will be 2 months old in a few days and I need to see about taking some pictures of him. We took Little Man every month for the first year and at least got the package deal and we want to make sure we do the same for Peanut. Unfortunately the nearest place for a photographer is 45 min. So instead I'm going to see what I can do myself.

This is one of Peanut's favorite places to snooze... propped up in the recliner.

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