Monday, June 23, 2008

The Numbers Are In!

Total cost for a 29 day NICU stay...$55K. That doesn't include any doctors charges, tests, etc. That is strictly to stay there. Although I'm pretty sure without looking over the details it does include his medications. All told this little adventure was well over $100K. Thank goodness for insurance! :)

Speaking of Peanut he's going to have an upper GI done on Friday. That doesn't particularly make either of us happy but his reflux is getting worse...not better. Little Man had one done and we felt so bad for him strapped to the board. Hopefully Peanut will just think he's being swaddled since he's so young.

I went ahead and attempted to take some pictures today. I can always upload it/them to multiple sites and buy a package instead of driving all the way to BFE to have pics done & then again to pick them up.

After I took some pictures of Peanut I remembered I had matching tops for the boys and figured I should go ahead and take pictures of them while I had things set up. I've been learning a program and tweaked a few of them with that. You'll have to let me know what you think of my first attempts here.

Here is his "official" 2 month picture...if you want to call it that.

And a few more:

It was really funny because Little Man is a bit funny about Peanut being ON him. He really doesn't know what to think of it and doesn't really like Peanut touching him. There was no way he was going to be able to hold Peanut up.

I'll be uploading these to the online photo album today or tomorrow (my head hurts) so that you can save them if you like. These are very low quality for the sake of posting them here.

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