Saturday we took the boys over to my parents house to swim with Diva. Of course we didn't put Peanut in the water, with his apnea monitor and all, lol. I have been DYING to get Little Man into a real pool and Saturday was his first time EVER. He absolutely loved it! And believe it or not, I didn't have my camera. I was beside myself when I realized I didn't have it. He still doesn't really care for getting his face all wet but he really had a great time and didn't want to leave the pool.
At least he's finally capable (& sometimes willing) to follow the command of, "Look at Mommy & say Cheese." Here are a couple of pics of the kids.
Peanut is doing great though, he's getting pretty good at holding his head up on his own and he's finally starting to spend longer than 5 minutes at a stretch awake. He's really finally starting to look at us and other things even though we wish he'd quit crossing his eyes to do so, lol.
The other day one woman asked us how many days old he was. Should have seen her face when I said he was six weeks old! And today another woman walked past us and goes, "Oh wow, that's a new one" with emphasis on the NEW. We giggled after she passed and said, "Not quite as new as she thinks, hahahaha." He's still wearing newborn clothes at this point but I'm thinking in the next week we'll probably get to lose most of the newborn clothes but we'll see.
1 comment:
Keep up the good work.
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