Thursday, June 5, 2008

Merry Christmas Little Man

Christmas came in April for Little Man - in the form of a new baby brother. Okay, okay so we wouldn't actually do that to our child but it sure is tempting in light of the medical bills, lol. We were misinformed when it came to the way things would be billed and it's going to cost us almost double what we originally planned on. Needless to say it hurts & it ain't pretty. He'll probably be in kindergarten by the time we get everyone paid off, lol.

On a brighter note, the little peanut is growing like a weed. We're still struggling some with getting him on the right formula/rice cereal combo but it's slowly coming together. The poor kid is just so dang gassy. The other answer is yes, he's still having his bradys. Had another one a couple of hours ago. The good news is that the monitor doesn't wake Little Man up. The bad news is that I'm beyond ready to throw that dang thing out the window, lol.

Here is something you'll find amusing. Little Man doesn't want to leave the house without his brother. Usually if Hubby runs up to the store or something, Little Man will go with him. He now throws such a fit in trying to get us to put Peanut in his carrier that he just doesn't go anymore. It's funny, but in the moment and you can't get Little Man to calm down - not so funny. LOL!

Okay, now for your daily dose of cuteness.

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