Saturday, June 14, 2008

Due Date

Today was my due date and as of yesterday, Peanut is 7 weeks old. It doesn't feel like he's almost 2 months old but I think that's because he's only been home for three weeks as of today.

Last night I took what is very possibly my favorite pictures of the boys as of yet. I'm sure that opinion will change over & over again too. But for now, they're my favorite. I'll be uploading the rest of them this afternoon/evening into the photo album. At one point Hubby told Little Man to show Peanut how to stick out his tongue. Instead Little Man licked his head!!! I actually have a picture of this and while it made us laugh extremely hard, it was also a bit disturbing on some level, lol.

Here are two of my favorites:

Little Man just didn't know what to think or do with his brother laying on him.

So tomorrow is Father's Day & we'd like to wish all you dad's a good one. We didn't have any plans ourselves for it until this morning. We'll be heading into Houston (yes, again) to hang out, swim & spend a few hours with friends & family. Anyways, my point is that I will have a fully charged camera with me this time for Little Man's pool experience! It turns out it might be easier for Hubby to talk me into a pool in our back yard than I thought. I've really missed swimming. But no...not going to put a pool in any time soon, there are more important expenses for now.

As for Peanut, he's doing great. We even got some much needed sleep last night, woohoo!! I can tell he's on the brink of drinking more & sleeping longer. YAY! Not bad, and I don't really expect much seeing as he was so early. It's truly a delicate balance. He may be doing some things right on track for a 7 week old and others he's not even close.

Little Man is talking more & more. He's saying his colors in English & Spanish and is trying to copy pretty much everything we say. We are loving his language explosion and it's just so cute to listen to him butcher his words.

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