Thursday, June 12, 2008

It didn't go so well

Last night was supposed to be Peanut's first night in his own crib. It didn't go so well. The details are fuzzy from lack of sleep but an hour or less after I got him down & I was asleep, his monitor went off. It was the alarm for a missing lead, as though one had fallen off.

We spent over an hour trying to figure out why it just kept going off. We tried EVERYTHING. And I do mean WE b/c at that point we were both irritated, lol. The last time it went off, Hubby was standing there too and goes, "Wait...the battery light is on." OMG could we feel any dumber at that point?! Yeah neither of our sleep deprived selves were worried about feeling dumb, just ready to hop back in bed and go to sleep!!

That didn't last long. After messing with that for an hour+, he was awake. Oh and he is one of those kids that every time the pacifier falls out of his mouth he has a melt down. How did this happen?! LOL!!! So it was a VERY long sleepless night for me and somewhat for Hubby. I think he does his best sleeping from like 5am until mid morning. We've got to change that, lol.

And amazingly enough, Little Man didn't wake up for any of this nonsense last night.

Okay, a couple of really cute pics I took yesterday morning.

Remember how I said he freaks if he loses the pacifier? I took it out of his mouth so I could actually see his face and I got literally ONE shot. Then he did this:

LOL!! Definitely knows what he wants!

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