Sunday, June 1, 2008

This and That

Things have been interesting lately.

Little Man is hilarious. He went to the store with his dad today and the whole time he just wanted his baby. He hit the door screaming "BABY BABY BABY!" as he ran up to Peanut when he got home. That was cute.

When we burp Peanut, Little Man always comes up to burp you. It's so funny. In fact, I was standing in the living room today after picking Peanut up out of the swing and was patting his back and I felt something strange on my leg - it was Little Man burping my leg. We'll definitely have to get this on video. He just grins real big and pats your back.

Peanut is really struggling with the gas. After talking to the doctor's office today we're switching him to a soy formula to give that a shot. This poor baby is on Reglan, Zantac, prescription anti-gas meds AND thickened formula and he's not getting ANY relief. If anything it appears to be getting worse. He just cries and cries until he gets a little relief. Then a short time later (usually like 20 min) he's at it again. He just gets stiff as a board and you can tell it's painful. And he is hard as Hell to burp!

Okay I know you came here looking for a picture *wink, wink* and here it is: I took this Saturday. Only the 2nd time we've let Little Man hold his brother and he just eats it up. It also happened to be one week home for Peanut.

On Saturday Hubby wanted to get some stuff from my parents so we headed on into town. While we were in town Peanut got to meet his great grandparents and Little Man had a ball playing ball with Papa (my grandfather).

Now a moment to gripe about that blasted apnea monitor. What a royal pain!!!!! I hate not being able to just snatch up my baby and walk around with him, or walk him outside or anything else. WHAT A PAIN!!! He hasn't had a brady in about 2 days and as always we're hoping it will stay that way. Hubby was shuffling things around at Target the other day while I was returning something and one of the leads came unplugged. We just stared at each other from across the way and laughed. That thing is obnoxiously loud, especially depending on the acoustics of the room you're in when it goes off. There is definitely no sleeping through it. Trust me, we know this.

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