Saturday, August 30, 2008

I do NOT heart flying!

Well, we made it to Baltimore...but our clothes didn't.

On our way to the airport (we left the house at 3:45am) I realized neither of us had picked up Little Man's shoes. Thankfully Wallyworld is open 24 hours and I stopped in and bought the only pair in his size! Little did we know that was a sign at how our day would go.

The flight went smoothly and both boys did really well. Peanut slept on Hubby's tray for most of the flight (since he was by the window). We even got compliments from the people in front of us afterwards that our boys did so well & they didn't even realize there were kids behind them. That always makes a parent smile.

HOWEVER...Just beware that Southwest has decided to start charging $25 for EACH leg for a gate checked stroller. The lady was kind enough to waive it for us this morning and agreed it was a stupid policy. Yeah, like 2 of us are going to be able to carry all of our carry on items AND 2 kids. WHATEVER. Talk about taking advantage of people. BTW: Our carry ons consist of apnea monitor, laptop, portable DVD player, diaper bag & another diaper bag used for other toys and blankets. Then add on 2 car seat bags, a small suitcase, and a large suitcase. Believe it or not, we carried ALL of that by ourselves.

Of all the bags for the airline to lose, they lost our big one which had ALL of our clothes in it. Needless to say we are NOT happy and even more turned off than ever before on flying.

Okay, gotta go buy some clothes. I'll add some pictures of the boys on the plane later on. I've also got one of Peanut sitting in the stroller instead of the carrier. I can't begin to tell you how many people oohed and ahhhed about that, lol. to buy clothing for a family of four. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

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