Tuesday, August 5, 2008

STOOPID Insurance Co

You read that right, I cannot stand them. There is just too much to go wrong from the point of service to billing and it always gives me a headache. I have an appeal with the ins co from my stay in the hospital with Peanut that I have now sent in TWICE and they have lost twice. So I will send it in again.

She assured me she would make sure she gets a copy of the fax so that she can personally handle it. My response, "Yeah, not to be rude but that's what the last lady said too."

I also told her I would start faxing it every single day if they don't "get it." She said, "that would be excessive." My response, "And you don't think me having to waste 45 minutes of my time every single time I have to call you to check on it and having it 'not received' twice already with no hope in sight isn't excessive?"

I've had nothing but headaches this year with them. Little Man had to go to the doctor twice in April and they somehow managed to bill that as an NP (bigger co-pay) instead of the Pediatrician. The ins co kept telling me that it was the office's fault even though they were admitting the office was using the exact same billing codes they have ALWAYS used. Fantastic. That has since been sorted out and it was their fault, not the doc's office. Took like 6 phone calls between the two places though. They have also managed to screw up the billing for Peanut's 2 well child visits so far. We're battin' 0 for 2 right now. (Which I did finally get to the bottom of today and should soon be billed correctly.)

Which brings me to today. I took Peanut in today for shots ONLY. As in, no need to see the doctor but for some reason I had to wait in the line of people waiting for the doctor. His appt was for 10:30 and we finally got the shots right about noon. Freakin' A-HOLES! lol. That is probably their way to deter us from using our alternate shot schedule. I personally refuse to load up my infant on all the CRAP in those shots at one time. He will get the most important ones first and only the brands with the least offensive ingredients. No more than 2 shots or 3 diseases at any one time. I could rant about vaccines for a long time but will spare you.

I can only imagine what kind of mess the billing for SHOTS ONLY is going to look like. I know they are covered at 100% but I'm sure the ins co will find a way to say otherwise and make me pull my hair out until it gets sorted out.

The great news in all of this mess is that Peanut weighs 12lbs 8ozs. He's gained 2 lbs in the past 5 weeks. WOOHOO! That's fantastic! Size wise he's going to catch right up it appears. There are some things that a 3 mo old should be able to do that he cannot yet do and there are plenty of others that he can. I'm so thankful that he's doing so well and hopefully we will be rid of that apnea monitor soon.

Next I must tell you that Edouard is a bust. It's barely even rained here although we should continue to get more this afternoon/evening/night. I'm disappointed it didn't make landfall where they thought it would last night.

And lastly, since you've stuck with me though my venting, here are a couple of really cute pictures.

Happy Peanut (which is starting to happen more often at least)

Peanut in Little Man's sunglasses. Too Cute.

Little Man after getting his sunglasses back. (When is this kid NOT happy? lol)

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