Monday, August 11, 2008

Update on the boys

So much talk and emphasis has been put on what Little Man can't do lately that I feel it's important to point out that there is still plenty that he CAN do.

In life it always seems easier (& sometimes more important) to focus on the negative things but I think it's important to always remember the positive.

Obviously Little Man has things that need working on so that's typically the topic of conversation. However, cognitively Little Man is right where he should be and that's fantastic news. It's incredibly easy to forget that because he struggles to communicate his needs, wants & thoughts.

He has his speech & occupational evals in 2 weeks and sees the neuro in 4. We're on the waiting list for physical therapy right now and next month he should be having his assessment through the school district. Fall is going to be busy, busy, busy.

And so for your viewing pleasure the posting directly under this one is Little Man talking to me.

Peanut is doing really well. We still have at least one REALLY bad night/day a week but things are improving. We honestly don't think they'll take him off the apnea monitor until he's 6 months old but a glorious day that will be! LOL. I started putting him in 3-6 month clothing this weekend which made me a bit sad while happy at the same time obviously.

I don't have much in the way of pictures from last Friday at Pump-it-up but it was a LOT of fun. I think we were too busy playing to take pictures, lol. The kids also had a blast at chuck-e-cheese. Speaking of pictures, I just looked on my computer to see what I had to share and I think I'm missing pictures! I'll have to look on the laptop later.

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