Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Peanut is FOUR months old!

Life is especially chaotic right now. We don't mind, it's just that things are crazy busy. We're going out of town this weekend and I haven't even started to think about what needs to be done to make that happen.

Honestly, we've probably lost our minds and if we haven't, we most certainly will by the time we get to the airport in Baltimore on Sat morning. I started talking to a friend tonight about some of the things we needed to get done, dig out etc for the trip and it got overwhelming awful quick. Sickening really. We had the very stark realization of just what a royal pain in the ass Saturday is going to be. We've got 2 car seats that have to go as checked baggage and an apnea monitor we have to take through security along with items for formula, etc. Oh Joy. You know the really fun part about the car seat bags? You can't pack them until you're already at the airport!!!!!!!! Let's not forget that the flight leaves at 7:15 AM and we live an hour & a half away from the airport. Can you feel my enthusiasm? I have a feeling the whole time we're there we're just going to be dreading the flight home, LOL!!!!

Seriously though, we're really glad we're going to get to spend some time with family we haven't seen in quite some time. Hubby's lil bro has a daughter that just turned one & a cousin who has a son who recently turned 1. I smell good times in store for Little Man. :)

And now that I'm done venting, here is the real reason for this post tonight (even though it's technically morning.) Peanut is four months old today! WOW time flies!!!!!

I took some horrible pictures of the boys today but a couple of them are really funny. It started out with my bright idea to take them outside for pictures since it was such a beautiful day. Apparently it was too beautiful & bright and neither appreciated it. After all of like 2 or 3 pictures it was time to take them inside and try again, although much to my disappointment.

How funny is this that BOTH of them are covering their faces?

Peanut looked just a wee bit pissed at me as well, lol.

So inside we went to try for a few more.

Little Man was okay with laying NEXT to Peanut, but only for a few seconds.

Maybe Peanut was sad that Little Man left? LOL.

As this series of pictures shows, Little Man was NOT okay with Peanut being ON him. Although I did get a smile out of him eventually.

After dinner there was one last (failed) attempt at getting a few pictures.

This picture makes me laugh SO hard -- Peanut started leaning so Little Man had to too.

And one last picture of Little Man...just because.

No other major news to report on Peanut right now, he's just growing like a weed and spitting up like a champ. We've gone back to thickening his formula very heavily and that has helped the projectile vomiting a lot.

He has his 4 mo check up after we get back from DC & that should be fun to find out how much he weighs and how long he's gotten.

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