Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Olympic Gymnastics 2008

My love for gymnastics began very early; especially women's gymnastics. I can remember watching the Olympics as a child and watching the ladies try to stick their landings and do the best they could. That said, the Beijing Olympics have been a big fat BUST in the gymnastics department.

I don't know if it's just the new scoring system or what but I was hugely disappointed. I would like to know how a gal that lands on her KNEES on a vault is even worthy of a medal? I get the whole idea behind the degree of difficulty but that appears to be rewarding people for attempting to do things they can't do instead of rewarding the grace & perfection of a routine that is solid.

As I watched the team finals I thought to myself, "I'm not sure I've ever seen SO MANY mistakes from a team that actually won a medal." Just disappointing.

And how about those Chinese girls? Yes...I said girls. I don't necessarily 100% agree with the 16 year old age limit but if you're going to have rules, you should really at least enforce them.

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