Sunday, September 14, 2008

Go Mayor White!!

Mayor Bill White of Houston has been a good mayor, but right now, he's GREAT!

I'm personally impressed as how smoothly things have run at the local levels and people have really been getting the job done. However, we've been waiting for a press conference all day about PODs or Points of Distribution for supplies. We only know there are 24 locations around the area. This is where people can go pick up ice, water, etc.

Mayor White comes up & says they have requested the aid from FEMA and they expect FEMA to live up to their part of the request. You could see the man standing behind the mayor, wearing his FEMA shirt & his eyes got HUGE. This was a very clear message from the mayor to FEMA to get the lead out of their asses and get things moving.

So FEMA guy comes up to speak and says the supplies that are in Texas and they are waiting to find out where they will be distributed, etc. OOOhhhh at this point you can see the Mayor, standing behind him, starting to waive his arms. FEMA guy finishes and Mayor White interupts the questions and says, I've got something to say.

He goes on to inform everyone that FEMA already has the PODs as the Mayor knows where they are going to be and has already informed them where they are. Mayor white is truly a white guy & his face even started to turn a shade of red, lol. FEMA guy made a fantastic face!


Pictures & information to follow, I've got about half of them uploaded so far.

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