Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Visit with the Neurologist

Yesterday we took Little Man to the neurologist. At first the doc's reaction was, "We'll do an MRI of his head but I expect it to be normal." THEN he did the physical exam on Little Man and he changed his tune some. They are going to do an MRI on his head & do an EEG. We know Little Man doesn't have seizures but they have been doing hefty research into his type of speech problem and have found that a bunch of kids that have his problem have an abnormal EEG and they think it's genetic. He said a year ago they wouldn't have done that test on him.

Hubby isn't happy about the MRI because he has to be sedated but we just don't have much of a choice. Upon physical examination they found several abnormalities. A couple of examples: They tickle the bottom of his foot and his initial reaction was to turn up his big toe instead of instantly clutching it down. His reflexes are also too quick on top of the way he holds his arms out to run & his abnormal gait.

After the exam he showed us which part of the brain they would be most likely to see abnormalities based on his problems. He did tell us it's possible they won't find anything and he may remain a mystery forever. He also said that regardless of what they do or don't find the course of action is the same: intense therapy.

He has his physical therapy eval on Monday...FINALLY. After this appointment, we realize PT is going to be more important that we first thought.

Looking for pictures from our trip? I'll get them up over the next couple of days, I suddenly started running a high fever yesterday and it's not going anywhere yet. My only symptoms are migraine & the ickiness that the fever gives me. And it is SO icky. My temp has been steady at 102 or higher since yesterday, even with meds to bring it down.

So look for pics soon.

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