Friday, September 12, 2008

Ike is coming.

Not much has changed, Ike is still headed this direction, although a bit further east from our house than first projected. Unfortunately it's such a big storm it still doesn't matter. I cannot believe that Hubby & I are riding this out separately, but whatever. Ya gotta do, what ya gotta do.

As I was headed towards I-10 early this afternoon with the boys in tow, I called my sister to let her know we were on our way. I told her I was probably the only moron headed INTO Houston at this point, lol. Turns out I wasn't. But I did feel really bad for the people sitting for almost 20 miles trying to get away from the storm.

So the past few days I've seen some pretty funny stuff and heard about some too.

There were the geniuses in our town that were boarding up their aluminum trailer by hammering nails into it. I'm not sure which part was better. Boarding up the trailer or using nails in the aluminum. Did you see the person dressed as in a bear costume down on the beach in Galveston? Guy clearly has some attention seeking issues, hahahaha!!!

How about the stupid people? Yes, I said stupid which isn't a word I like but can't think of anything more appropriate. Okay, You live in a house that is on stilts in the sand which is situated on an island or peninsula. You're told the winds are going to be well over 100 mph and the storm surge alone is going to be something like 8,10,12 feet high (or higher, it's 22 feet in some places). You're told that if you stay you're on you're own because it won't be possible for them to get to you even if they wanted to. It's clear that this ENTIRE area of land is absolutely going to be underwater. So what do you do? You stay, right? Wrong. Morons. That's all I can say. Galveston and other coastal areas have been flooding for many hours, LONG before time for landfall so that's just insane! They just said there were 12 (I think that was the #) people stranded on roofs on one of those beaches. They should win IDIOT OF THE YEAR awards!

They ruined the term "hunker down" over recent times. I'm so sick of hearing it. This time, it's "shelter in place" and "Run from the water, hide from the wind." True but FUNNY.

Okay I can't think of anything anymore at them moment because there is too much going on. But we're safe and boarded in (almost). You know me, pictures will follow.

Going to go fly kites with the kids before we have to be stuck indoors for the next 24+ hours.

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