Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Peanut's 4 Month Visit

He had his 4 month check-up yesterday. He weighed 15lbs 12ozs and I can't remember exactly how long he was. Perhaps 23" or so? Anyhow, what it means is that he's doing great!! Last night was our first night without the apnea monitor. Did you see that?? I said without it! For the first time in my son's life he slept without a wire hooked up to him last night. What a fantastic feeling for us!

He really is doing great and we are extremely happy to have that apnea monitor gone. She'd like us to start feeding him rice cereal from a spoon 2-3 times a day in hopes it might act as an anchor to keep everything else down. Since he's still gaining weight so well she's not concerned about how much he spits up, it's just a nuisance for us. As far as feeding with a spoon goes, we discussed the fact that he might not be ready skill wise, but it's worth a shot. So sometime in the next couple of weeks I'll give it a shot. I just think it's ridiculous since he can't even sit up in a high chair which means I have to feed him in his bouncer or carrier. Whatever.

She's going to check his head circumference again in 30 days when I take him in just for his shots. Apparently the growth of his head was pretty rapid this time around and they'd just like to keep an eye on it. No surprise to us if he has a big head since Hubby's head is gianormous. Sorry hon, but we know it's true ;)

So that's really about it, Peanut is doing very well!

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