Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Ike

It doesn't look likely that we'll escape Ike. Depending on which forecast or computer model you look at the eye will either be going over us or just to the east of us, but not far enough east to make a difference. Even as far inland as we live we've been told to expect sustained winds of 80-90 mph with gusts of 110+.

There is only one tree that I'm concerned about but I hope that with the way these storms rotate it would blow it away from our house.

We had to call the utility company today (conveniently owned by the city) and let them know that we have a medical device (Peanuts Apnea Monitor). They told us that so far in the history out here they've never been without power for more than 18 hours. That's great to hear but Hurricane Alicia was the last big storm, which was 25 years ago, and the eye went over Houston. That's still a good 50+ miles from here so where we live now would have been on the 'clean' side of the storm. I remember Alicia. The eye went over our house.

Although because it is a smaller community hopefully it won't take as long to get power restored.

So tonight we start the prep around the house, hopefully we have enough supplies because just about everyone is already sold out of just about everything. We tried last night to get more of what we would need.

So it might take even longer to get those pics up of our trip. But they will definitely be posted...too cute not to share.

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