Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ike's Damage

Ike was here. Ike did lots of damage around these parts. Keep in mind I'm speaking of Houston since that's where we rode out the storm. That was a long night too. Little Man has never been afraid of a thunderstorm but I fully expected there was no way he would sleep through the night once the wind really picked up. Needless to say he didn't make it quite all the way through.

But first Diva's story. We lost power around 3:30am we were one of the last in our area to lose it. Shortly before we lost power, it surged probably 8 times. At some point (time is a blur at this point) Diva began to cry, Oma heard her & went to check on her. Poor little thing tells Oma, "My mommy isn't going to be happy but my tv keeps getting angry at me." We laughed so hard and of course gave her huge hugs and took her to her mom for comfort. It took her quite a while to fall back asleep.

Little Man on the other hand didn't wake up until about 5:30 after the absolute worst had passed us and just clung to me for a short while & laid with me until daybreak.

At daybreak, as the winds slowed down some (meaning somewhere between 30-40 mph sustained) my dad, sis & myself went outside to check out the damage, find out if we still had cars in one piece & unclog the storm drain so the parking lot would quit flooding.
We really weren't very far at all from the western eye wall and I'm not going to lie, at 3:30 when the power went out, the eye was getting pretty dang close to us; it was of course pitch black and completely silent other than the winds, (which I can assume were sustained above hurricane strength by then) and it was eerie.
Of course adding insult to injury we got a ton of rain today flooding everything. I think we got nearly 3-5 inches total at our house & 12 inches at my parents.
Of course we had to drive around and check it out. I was also curious to see if I could get to the hwy to be able to go home. I knew I had to go home that day no matter what unless the power came back on thanks to Peanut's apnea monitor.
So anyhow here are the pictures we took.

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