Tuesday, September 16, 2008

More Ike

I have no idea what's going on in the "real" world. I've seen nothing but Ike coverage since Thursday morning when it was apparent SE TX was going to be pummeled. I have a very dear friend who has no power at her house, so she & her son are riding it out with her mom who has had electricity restored. That being the case, it put her about 45 minutes closer to me than she usually is so we used the opportunity to hang out and get a little shopping done together today.

It was surreal. I went to Target first looking for a new phone since ours is on its last leg. They were obviously using generators for what little power they had. The doors were tied open for light, ease & to let folks know they were open for business. They had just enough power to run a handful of registers and have sporadic lighting available. I shopped in the dimmly lit Target finding what I needed along with a couple of extras. The freezer cases are empty and all things cold are in short supply around here.

The story was different at one grocery store where they at least had power, but had not cleaned out the freezer cases yet. Instead they were tied shut with big posters stating no sales of frozen foods. I got lucky with being able to top off my tank for $3.23/gal before making my way home.

Whenever something tragic or traumatic happens in your own backyard you're more inclined to pay attention and appreciate the coverage that it does get. I have to admit that I'm sad. Crystal Beach will probably never be the same. I saw the Chevron station that is standing yet empty and torn to shreds. I'll never forget the night I watched some cops hog-tie a chick since she was drunk (underage) and uncooperative. My car was stuck in the sand and awaiting help, lol.

One of mine & hubby's favorite places to go while we were dating was Galveston, Bolivar/Crystal Beach. We always rode the ferry from Galveston to Bolivar & spent HOURS at Crystal Beach. Crystal Beach will never be the same and I'm sure we won't recognize Galveston the next time we're there. Of course, I know it's going to take a lot of time but I just know they'll build it bigger & better.

As for family, they are doing well. I believe my parents are the only ones with power restored, having been without it for about 36 hours. I know the rest of you don't have power so you can't see this but know that you are all in our thoughts & prayers, we hope this gets fixed ASAP.

And for all of you that think bigger government is the answer (traditionally democrats) this is the perfect example of how it's NOT the answer. FEMA is dragging its feet and causing all kinds of trouble while things at the local & even state level are flowing very well. People are coming together to help each other, their neigbors and the like and it's working nicely.

Today as I drove into town I passed a convoy of about 30 tree mulching trucks. All I could think was man, that's not even enough to clean up one neighborhood in these parts, lol. Help is coming, we will get back to normal and hopefully it will be soon.

God Bless!

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