Friday, June 12, 2009

And the baby is.....


I just knew it! I'd hoped and felt it was a girl up until the day I went in for my cerclage. For some reason that day I just KNEW it was a boy. And yep, it's a boy!

So far things are going incredibly well & the baby looks great. Measuring just as I should & this has definitely been the easiest pregnancy out of the three. Oh man I hope that is an indicator of what's to come, lol.


Stefani Clark said...

My friend Courtney is pregnant with her third child, also. She has two boys and just found out she's having another boyd. Funny, huh? Do you know what you're going to name him yet?

Amie said...

We have NO CLUE on the naming front. NONE. I joked to the doctor that the poor boy was going to celebrate his first birthday before he has a legal name, lol.