Thursday, June 25, 2009

Me...the Dentist...ARGH!!!!

I don't actually know anyone who enjoys going to the dentist but I'm sure most people aren't quite as extreme in their anxiety as I am when it comes to the dentist, either.

Last week while we were out of town I started to have some pain in my tooth which I assumed was a cavity. I called from a parking garage in Rhode Island to make an appointment for this week because I do not mess around with pain in my mouth!

Since I'm pregnant that meant a whole other ordeal about getting a letter from my doc, etc.

I walk in the door & the smell instantly hits the pit of my stomach. What is it with the smell in the dentists office? Anyhow, after they took the one x-ray the dentist sits down & it goes something like this. (D=Dentist M=Me)

D-"Good Morning, how are you doing this morning?"
M - "I'd be a lot better if I weren't in this chair. The dentist isn't exactly my favorite person, I practically need a valium just for a cleaning!"
D - he chuckled and said, "I don't think the dentist is most people's favorites."

(I'd not been to this dentist before as he was recommended by one of Hubby's coworkers, but he was REALLY NICE and very gentle).

Then he went to go look at the x-rays and decide what to do. WHY must they make you sit so long? I can't stand the sound of their tools. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee in the next "cubby" over. OMG I feel for that woman sitting in THAT chair right now!

ARGH! UGH! BLECH! It makes me cringe. No, you don't understand...I don't even like the sensation or sound of them poking around my teeth with that pick and/or mirror!!!!

It turns out I have a tiny cavity that is shallow in one tooth & another tooth that is just starting to crack. It's the crack that is causing the minimal pain I have. I think he could see my heart beating out of my chest at this point, lol. The thought of having this done with nothing but a local...INSTANT anxiety attack, lol.

I need me some gas or some valium...SOMETHING!!!!

The good news is that he informed me that none of this is so severe that it needs to be addressed immediately. I believe his exact words were something like, "This can wait until you're done being pregnant & you can have some valium before hand." LOL!

I think I've only had valium one other time in my life & THANK GOD I had it! I've always just had gas at the dentist but apparently fewer & fewer of them are using it?? WHY?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!

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