Today, I again took the boys down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast (included in our stay) and as I dipped that spoon into that big nasty batch of eggs, the squishy, nasty sound just made me cringe. As it did yesterday & I'm sure it will again tomorrow. YUCK!
Now You know why I called it Random thoughts!! lol
Little Man is eating up the spelling like crazy. Today at breakfast he learned how to spell EGG & BUG. Yes there were eggs, but no...thankfully no bugs showed up to join us. Speaking of eggs, he is STILL obsessed with them. I brought him his plate of food and he insisted that I go back and get him eggs. Yesterday I FINALLY got him to take one bite. It went something like this.
Me: "Good Job eating the yummy egg! Was that yummy?"
Him: "Yeah" (just so you know he's allowed to say 'yeah' because he cannot say 'yes' and at least everyone understands 'yeah' unlike his previous chosen word of 'ah-hee')
Me: "I'm glad you like the eggs, do you want another bite?"
Him: "MO" (that means NO)
And that was it for the eggs. Today I asked if he had any intention of eating them and he told me, "MO". I asked if he was just going to look at them and he said, "Yeah". HA! I love that kid!!!
He can now spell (& pick the word out of a line up) & write:
- ball
- cat
- mom
- dad
- bug
- bat
- dog
- hi
- big
- hot
- fly (he learned this one on the airplane)
He can also spell his & his brother's names. Although he can't say either of them properly. Or even close for that matter, lol. There are probably more words but this is all I can think of off the top of my head.
Peanut. That kid is a mess. First night here none of us got any sleep. Yesterday the child who still usually takes 3 naps only took ONE 1 hour nap. OMG! So he's asleep right now, YAY!
Yesterday he took like 3 or 4 slow steps sideways while he thought I wasn' t looking so I decided to try to get him to walk some more but this time noticed that now he's turning his right foot out, dragging it & really doesn't want to walk forward. He's had no problem with us holding his hands and walking, he just won't do it on his own. But now even with holding our hands he's doing this. I hope it's extremely temporary.
He laughs hysterically when you call him a monkey or a piggy. He also loves to be tickled of course. It's been quite some time since I've had my camera out so I took a few last night.
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