Monday, June 1, 2009


So very much is going on in our lives right now that this computer has been the last place I've been for some time now.

I have two HUGE updates for the moment.

One: We are expecting baby #3!! This is so exciting for us. Yes...we are super excited!!!! Please, if you have rude comments & thoughts, keep them to yourselves. For those of you who think that we weren't thinking when we got pregnant, please keep your ignorance to yourself. Especially when that exact thought makes YOU the hypocrite.

Please do not come to us asking if this means that Little Man won't be getting what he needs in some way. Are you kidding me? This one might be more insulting than the above mentioned ignorance. Never in the past 3.5 years has ANYONE been able to come to us wondering if we've had any of our children's best interest in mind so why in the world would that change now?

Please do not concern yourself as to whether or not I/we have too much on our plate. We don't. There is (sometimes unfortunately) always room for more. We have been through more with our 2 children than some people have with their entire brood. We know that. But you know what else we know...we have never sat around sulking about it. There have certainly been days where some things seem overwhelming but I know that I have it easy compared to what some people have to go through with/for their children.

Now. About this pregnancy. Due Date is around Nov 9 or 10. Doc's office is telling me Nov 14, but I KNOW that's not it. And while I realize 4-5 days for most people would make zero difference, I am not most people when it comes to pregnancy.

Biggest reason I haven't been on lately is the lack of energy. I'm using all of my energy taking care of the boys and there is nothing left right now, lol. I have been SOOOOO tired. That appears to be getting a little better at least.

Blood Pressure. It's doing better this time around than it did with Peanut. Thank Goodness! I'm getting to go 3 weeks between most appts now & with Peanut I only got that luxury ONCE, lol.

Cerclage. I had a cerclage done a few weeks ago so hopefully this baby will stay put longer than my first 2. (That's where they stitch the cervix shut)

Overall this pregnancy has been going so much better than my last one & I'm incredibly thankful for that.

Boy or Girl. We don't really know yet. They tried to take a peek at my last ultrasound (I've had like 4 already) but baby wasn't cooperative. I was convinced early on that I was having a girl. The day I went in for my cerclage I switched teams and I am now convinced I'm having a boy. I have no idea why. We should be able to find out next week.

This got so long that I will post Change #2 in a separate posting.


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