Thursday, June 4, 2009

Scratch that Change #2

So after consulting a realtor & really number crunching we've decided we are NOT moving.

Initially we were crushed. Oh I am SO in love with that house & the thought of having more space, being closer to shopping, doctors, etc. There are about 100 reasons straight off the top of my head that moving would have been wonderful!

On the flip side we have picked a school out here for Little Man that is going to be perfect for him. He came to me in the past couple of weeks with his magnadoodle & drew a line & informed me it was a "1." That lead to, "Do you want to learn how to write a 2?" He did. He can now write the letters L,I,O,C,J,W,U,H,B,V...shoot...just about any letter you ask him. He knows all the sounds that all of the letters make & identifies every single letter of the alphabet every single time. The preschool he's likely to attend in the fall has the type of curriculum that he needs. It also has the teacher he needs.

I guess if it were meant to happen it would have happened without some of these hurdles we'd have to face. Eventually it will be meant to happen but until then we'll just be thankful that we have a roof over our heads & food in our belly's.

1 comment:

Stefani Clark said...

I'm sorry to hear that you don't get to move, but at least your son will get the education he needs. I'm worried sick that something bad will happen and we won't be able to move. I don't know these people that are buying everything for us. They are Johnathan's friends. Things have changed a LOT and I'm just waiting for them to say "We don't have the money to build you a house right now."