Monday, June 8, 2009


I think about where we were this time last year & life was just SO frustrating. Frustrating because Little Man's expressive communication was SO minimal. We had to use mostly yes/no questions & we just had no way of knowing what was going on in his little head.

He has come SO far in just the past 9 months.

Honestly, he's my first child so I have no idea what to expect, what they are or aren't supposed to know etc. I can tell you he's a sponge & he's in constant 'seek & soak' mode, lol.

A few weeks ago he brought me his magnadoodle & drew a line & informed me it was a 1. YAY! Of course the natural thing to do was ask him if he wanted to learn to write/draw a 2! He did.

Today he can write most of the letters of the alphabet, all the numbers 0-9 & he knows the sounds that each & every one of them make. It just tickles me to death to hear his little voice make an 'X' sound. Yes he can still be incredibly difficult to understand but much of it is so cute!

Last week he came to me with the magnadoodle again, this time with a Z on it. I congratulated him on how correct his Z was & asked him he wanted to learn to spell 'cat.' He looked at me & said, "C-A-T."

Holy Crap! My first response, "YAY! Yeah that's right, that's cat!!!!" Followed up by, "Where in the WORLD did you learn that?!?!"

So now he's learning to spell a few basic words.

I have been trying to get a picture of him next to his magnadoodle or easel with "CAT" written on it but haven't found a memory card. I do not know why I can't find one though, considering we own like 4 of them. Grrrr....

1 comment:

Stefani Clark said...

That is so awesome! I'm glad he's improved so much. :)