Friday, June 26, 2009

Going to be a great Day!

This is supposed to be Hubby's Fri off. He works a 9/80 work schedule so that they have every other Fri off. At the moment his boss is trying to coax as many people in on those 'off' Fridays to support an effort they don't directly support. Anyhow, I digress.

We had plans for today so he's taking off early but the climax will be this evening when we leave Peanut with my sister & take Little Man to his first MLB game!!! Even though the Astros don't stand much of a chance of winning against Detroit tonight that's where we'll be!

Hubby was given the tickets and they are GREAT seats! We don't think Peanut would stay happy very long AT ALL with a 7:00 start time so he will be much better off where he can just go to sleep by 8, lol.

I hope Little Man has a great time though! (Even though he doesn't really care about sports yet, lol.)

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