Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weekly Recap

Okay not really Christmas in June but I'm sure it felt like it to the boys!

We had to get up in the attic, where I swear it's 200 degrees, & find clothes for the Peanut. I am sure that Hubby didn't appreciate my need to go ahead and start bringing down the next round of toys for Peanut, either. Especially in light of the fact that we'll be headed out of town in the wee hours of the morning on Tuesday. We're headed up to New England & my 'broken pregnant thermostat' are looking forward to the cooler temps.

Speaking of going out of town it's something we're really looking forward to. We are taking bets about how long it will take for Peanut to start his high pitch shrill once on the plane. UGH! When we come home they should sleep pretty much the whole way.

On a sad note this past week saw the death of Hubby's paternal grandmother & an elderly cousin of mine. It also finds Hubby's maternal grandmother's brother (That would be his grand uncle) very ill & not expected to make it much more than a week.

It's very VERY unfortunate that Hubby did not know his grandmother well at all. That cousin of mine suffered from Spina Bifida & made it to 74 years old & these last few years have been very bad. I was scared of her when I was a little girl but as an adult I can only imagine what life was like for her.

So please say a quick prayer for these families & esp for "Bud" so that he may be as comfortable as possible in his final days.

On a side note: I've got to figure out what to do with my genealogy website. I've had it hosted at geocities for free for years now. Unfortunately for me, they are closing by the end of the year and I've got to figure out what to do with it. Any other good free hosting sites out there?

Guess I might have to suck it up & finally buy a domain & web hosting service.

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