Thursday, June 18, 2009


PBS is one of those strange little things. It's not dependable. Disney is dependable. It doesn't matter what time zone you're in, you know what's going to come on & when.

Since I'm stuck in a hotel room on a rainy day with 2 little boys you'd better believe the tv is on children's programming in the background.

This hotel for whatever reason does NOT have Disney. They don't even have Nick!! I don't really care for Nick but I'd take that over all the news channels. This hotel does a lot of business with businessy types. Not so much the families.

I'm not sure if this is a station out of Boston or what but it SUCKS! Little Man LOVES the PBS line up we have back home. I was disgusted today when this station showed the same episode of Word World as they did yesterday. Come on now...I know there aren't just a jillion of these shows yet but did you really have to show it twice in a row?? Ugh! Little Man LOVES that show with all the letters and spelling.

They show Bob the Builder here. I had no idea ANYONE still aired Bob the Builder, lol. OMGosh! Some STUPID show, Martha the talking dog or something? Holy Cow that was just LAME...and also not on our line up down there.

Good thing we brought the DVD player & hook ups for the TV. :)

They are showing Barney right now for the second time today. Once is plenty...that's FOR SURE, lol. Oh wait! This is either the same episode as earlier this morning or yesterday. original!

Once this is over the kiddie programming is over. We'll go for a walk around the hotel (not outside because it's cold & raining) but the hotel itself is pretty cool. It looks like a castle & it's HUGE. Then we'll come back, have lunch & let them pick a movie to put on as their next round of background noise.

Tonight is our last night here. Tomorrow we are going to go see some beaches before we fly back home. We won't be getting home until VERY late tomorrow night. We took the last flight out we could get so we'd have the whole day to enjoy. :)

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