Sunday, June 21, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Some people say Home is where the heart is. I say it's where the comfy bed is!! We stayed at a Radisson & Hubby was excited to try out the sleep number bed. UGH! He says it was the best 3 nights sleep he's ever had. I say 3 worst. Okay maybe not worst but they were bad.

We finally got home a little after 1am on Fri night/Sat morning and having a VERY full day of MA, RI & flying with 2 little ones to get home. My bed never felt so good. I couldn't believe how swollen I was! I'm not THAT far along (19ish weeks) and swelling daily now. Great.

The boys were great on the planes. Once again, it never gets old to have people tell you how well your children behaved in a situation like that. Believe me, there is very little I can do to control my 13mo anyway, lol.

So nice to be home!

Will write about "the creepy guy" in just a bit.

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