Saturday, May 10, 2008

35 weeks

NOTICE SOMETHING MISSING?!?! Yeah. Don't get too excited just yet. He yanked out his feeding tube today so I was able to snag a couple of pictures before they put it back in.

Turns out a small part of me is actually glad he pulled it out so that they were able to put it on the other side. His skin was really starting to be irritated by the tape.

The good news is that Peanut has found another ounce and he weighs 6lbs 2ozs. The not so good news is that they are having to reduce the number of bottle feeds because he's just not ready. So now he's getting every other feed as a bottle and then every other as a tube feeding.

He just wasn't handling the bottle as well as he needs to be. It's so much work for him and he was having a lot of trouble coordinating the breathing with the eating. We think this will be for the better for him and once he's got a better grip on bottle feeding they will up it again.

He is just 35 weeks today so our expectations are only so high anyway. He'll eventually get it but you can do more long term damage by trying to force it on him so we have to go at his pace.

They keep telling us that the feeding is often times like someone hit a switch and they'll just all of a sudden get it and take off. Let's hope his light bulb goes off very soon and that he quits having Bradys so that he can come home SOON.

I have to tell you this is especially hard because Little Man was born at 35w 5d and he came home from the hospital with me. Although in hindsight, he probably shouldn't have.

And just in case I don't get around to it, I want to wish all you moms a very Happy Mother's Day for tomorrow. We haven't gotten any cards out this year because things have been nuts. We're doing good to keep basic groceries in the house for Little Man right now, lol.

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