Thursday, May 8, 2008

Six Pounds!!!!

Peanut went from 5lbs 13ozs last night to 6lbs 1oz tonight. The nurse said she weighed him twice, lol. Unfortunately he's still having the brady's. The good news is that it will only keep him in the hospital for so long. Once he's closer to term, say 36-37 weeks, if that is the only thing keeping him there they will be able to send him home with a monitor.

Of course, we'd prefer to have him home sooner and with no monitor so we're keeping our fingers crossed and continuing to say our prayers for him.

His bottle feeds were increased this afternoon so he's now getting 2 bottle feeds in a row followed by a tube feed. I have a feeling he's going to do fine with that. I can't wait to see his precious face with no tubes!

More pictures!! We actually got pictures of him with his eyes open today!!!

ISN'T HE CUTE?!?!?!?! (& tiny, lol)

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