Friday, May 23, 2008

His sentence is almost over!

As of last night Peanut weighs 7lbs 1oz. We were supposed to get the results from the sleep study today and for a while we weren't sure we were going to have them. I heard the nurse practitioner on the phone (to the person with the results) saying, "If we don't get these results today this baby is going to have to stay here until Tuesday." ARGH! We can't have that!!

So we finally have the results. He is having apnea. We thought all along that he was only having bradycardia, but he's having both. Anyhow, it also shows that he is refluxing (no surprise - it just means he is going to go home on the meds he's already on). Here's the scary part to me: in six hours he had 32 desats but because his overall average oxygen was okay he doesn't need to go home on oxygen. Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly fine with not having more hardware to lug around but that seems like a lot of time without oxygen. The longest he went without the oxygen was 11 seconds - and that also is apparently not bad. Afterall, how long can you hold your breath?

So now we are tying up loose ends as one might say. They have ordered the apnea monitor because Hubby & I both have to learn how to use that. In fact if they get it up here by tonight we'll be spending the night up here with him. That's also a requirement - they want us to spend one night in their special rooming-in room (whatever they call it) to make sure we know what to do with the apnea monitor. He still needs to do his car seat challenge. That's where they stick him in the car seat for about an hour and make sure he doesn't start any funny business (that's what I call his brady's and desats). They also need to do the hearing screen.

I am SO excited and I really hope they can get that monitor here today so we can have him home tomorrow. After all, he's 4 weeks old today and on Sunday he'll be a month old. WOW! I can't believe it! It's also perfect timing since Hubby has a short work week coming up.

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