Monday, May 19, 2008

Little Cutie

I finally have pictures of Peanut without his feeding tube. I cannot believe we didn't have the camera on us yesterday.

We just made our nightly phone call and he weighs 6lbs 13ozs. The nurse said he'd gotten fussy so they put him in the swing and he was enjoying the heck out of that. I must admit, it makes me a bit sad that I wasn't there for his first ride, lol. They figure he's just bored and discontent because he's getting older. Shoot, who can blame him? He's been laying in the exact same place for almost 4 weeks...I'd be bored too!! :)

It appears the zantac is working as he went almost 24 hours without a Brady.

Really nothing else to report tonight. He was wearing the cutest cap today when I went back to see him. I have no idea where it came from but it's cute. It's red, white & blue stripes with the American flag on it (we assume for Memorial Day). When I opened his drawer today there was also the cutest little bib and booties in there. So cute. Enjoy the pics!

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