Sunday, May 18, 2008

Buh-Bye Feeding Tube

As of today, the feeding tube is gone! He's doing much better with the feedings and weighs 6lbs 10ozs. Next week they will be doing a special test to find out how bad his reflux is. They'll be putting a probe down into his esophagus (smaller than his feeding tube) and they will leave it there for 6-8 hours. This will let them know if he'll need to come home on any combination of apnea monitor, oxygen and/or medication. The reason for waiting is that he needs to be considered term (37 weeks) before they can do the test and send him home with these problems. They increased his reflux medication today on top of starting him on a new one.

He's spending more and more time awake which makes it that much harder to leave him every time. He's getting better with his head control and he's really looking around at everything now too. So cute!!

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