Saturday, May 17, 2008

36 weeks today

That's right, even though Peanut is now 3 weeks old he's only 36 weeks gestation today. Still almost a month until his due date.

I have to say that we are both pleased at the progress he's made although we were both convinced early on that we'd have him home by now. He's doing pretty well with his bottle feeds even though it's exhausting for him. We have determined that until he grows out of the reflux he won't be having anymore breast milk though. After having very few bradys during the past 24 hours with nothing but formula he got a bottle with breast milk this afternoon. He had 2 brady's in the first 5 minutes. After that we just switched it to a bottle of formula.

Unfortunately the nurse he had today had never been his nurse before and thought we were nuts when we explained what was going on. Then when he had the first two bradys she was like, "would you mind if I try?" Even though she paced him, his heart rate dropped. She was stunned.

FANTASTIC NEWS: His echo came back normal!!! Neither of us were really concerned that it wouldn't but it still sucked to wait. Thankfully we didn't have to wait until Monday after all.

Hopefully some time next weekend they will be able to do the sleep study so that he can finally come home.

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