Thursday, May 15, 2008

I've had better days

I had a bad day today, although some poor parents had it far worse than us. There was a very sick baby in NICU today that had to be taken to a level III NICU in the medical center. Unfortunately that meant the parents of the other 7 babies back there weren't able to see their babies ALL DAY. (usually we only have to wait 10-30 minutes.)

Let's just say I was less than thrilled that it took them over 2 hours to let us know that it was going to be another 4 hours before we could see Peanut. All told we wasted 7 hours so that we could finally see him. All of this when they knew what time we were going to be there and they have our phone #'s right there; we live 45 minutes away.

You have to understand that one of the reasons this is so frustrating for us (besides the fact that we're exhausted and have been running this schedule for 3 weeks now) but the doctor dictates how many times he can be held, seen, fed etc. So by making us wait literally all day it meant we only got to hold him once. We're just so beyond ready to have him home and for now it seems everything is just a waiting game. It also meant that Little Man was up an hour and a half after his bedtime. We're going to pay dearly for that tomorrow although it was worth it to make sure that Peanut was held and fed at least once today.

Then when we get back there, the nurse asked if we'd talked to the nurse practitioner for an update today to which I gave a sarcastic giggle. Turns out they heard a murmur today and will be doing the test in the morning to make sure it's just the typical preemie murmur. Without getting into details it's not uncommon for preemies to have a murmur and they know why it happens, they just have to confirm that's what is causing it.

NICU was a hoppin' by 8:05 tonight. All but one set of parents were in there visiting their babies since nobody had been allowed in all day.

One other interesting note: Peanut is 35weeks 5days today which is the gestation Little Man was when he was born.

So here are a couple of pictures of him in his open crib.

He weighed 6lbs 9ozs tonight and that is a newborn onesie he's swimming in there.

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