Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Raisin' the Roof!

It's official, Peanut is in an open crib! While we were in for Peanut's 2pm feeding the doctor ordered the roof on the isolette to be raised! This means he is doing a good job of regulating his own temperature. Hopefully he will continue this so that the roof never goes back down. Here is what is likely his very last picture of being in the isolette with the roof down.

Tomorrow there will be pictures of him in the open crib but we didn't have the camera on us when they raised it.

One other huge milestone today: Peanut made his first attempt at the breast and it's not surprising that nothing happened. As much as I want this to work, I'm not convinced he's ever going to latch onto anything other than a bottle. He's almost 3 weeks old and it is so much work for him just to use a bottle; and bottles are easier. But of course we will continue trying. I am thankful they are at least letting us try because they don't usually let you until they are on all bottle feeds and the feeding tube is gone. And Peanut isn't there yet.

Here are a few other pictures from today.

We say he is getting huge. (6lbs 6ozs now & the lowest he got to was 4lbs 15ozs) However, that is still a preemie onesie he's wearing.

One last picture. It's amazing to us how old Little Man looks now. I wonder if he'll still be smiling once the pictures of his little brother come to life? hehehe! In case you're wondering, Little Man still hasn't met or even seen Peanut (except in pictures). He is too young to go into NICU.

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