Monday, May 26, 2008

Two Handsome Fellas

I don't know if anyone is still reading this but we will continue to use the blog. Especially since everyone knows it's here now.

Dare I say it? Perhaps Peanut just needed a change in scenery to make things calm down. He hasn't had a Brady since Saturday afternoon! WOOHOO!!!!

He sleeps every bit as much as a newborn (as he should since he's only 37 weeks gestation). So here is a rare picture with his eyes open. He's so cute.

He's still doing great and eating like a champ. Little Man is hilarious...he laughs when Peanut cries and then goes, "Uh-Oh Baby." It's SO funny! He also takes pacifiers to him when he cries and that's really cute. We think he's now calling him baby brother by saying, "baby buh-buh". That would be great if he is since that would be putting two words together FINALLY!!!!

After 3 months of mayhem we think we FINALLY got Little Man straight on the usage of a spoon. Yes, this skill has come extremely late for Little Man but as you can imagine - it all resorts back to the feeding issues. We didn't want him independent enough where he would insist on doing it himself and then not eat. Now with things calming down and him being able to eat 99% of what we do, it's a whole new ball game. Here he is for the first time, eating his yogurt on his own with zero assistance. Go Little Man!

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