Saturday, May 3, 2008

The IV is gone!

Where to start?

First of all, I was wrong about the bottle feeds. He wasn't being fed every shift, but once a day. However, as of today it really is once per shift. He had his IV fluids removed today and after showing he could handle the bigger feed they have now completely removed his IV. We can't wait to get in there tomorrow and see his whole head without a tube hanging out of it! As for bottle feeds, he is slowly getting the point. He got almost half of his 5pm feed by bottle tonight. We're allowed to feed him the bottle for 30 min but after that it gets to the point that they are burning more calories than it's worth and the rest is fed through his feeding tube. We'll be so happy when that disappears.

He weighs 5lbs 6ozs. He is still having the Brady episodes and he must go 5 days without any before they can send him home. I did finally get an answer from the doctor today. My question was "Is there an average age at which they grow out of this?" The answer is 35-36 weeks and Peanut is 34 weeks today. Hopefully by the end of next week we'll be able to start the countdown. The good news is that he is recovering on his own more often than not now and they don't seem to be quite as often.

Today was the Heritage Gathering and the one thing we really wanted to make sure we did was take Little Man to ride a pony. We just knew he was going to like it and like it he did. He didn't want to leave. Bless his little heart.

And now about yesterday:

Yesterday was my birthday and I was sad because I wasn't able to celebrate it with both of my boys together. However, when I went in to see Peanut the nurses left me a surprise which brought me straight to tears.

I also found a sleeping angel :)

Here's a picture of Little Man from my birthday dinner. :)

And last but not least, Peanut finally has his name hanging on his isolette (incubator) and it's so cute!

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