Monday, May 12, 2008

A Busy Day

Today was a busy day in NICU for us.

Peanut's isolette had to have the temp turned back up just a tad today. Apparently he's not quite ready to regulate his own temperature.

Because he's still having the bradys they had to do an ultrasound of his head to make sure nothing was going on up there to cause it but thankfully all of that came back as normal.

They have now also started adding rice cereal to the breast milk and the formula he's supplemented with already has rice starch added. This is in an effort to try to keep the milk down and help with his reflux. By making it thicker and a bit heavier we're hoping it will stay down. The hope is that by making his reflux better he will quit having brady episodes. He just really struggles with coordinating breathing with eating. It appears that by cutting back his bottle feedings it's helping him to at least figure out the bottle a little better.

As far as the rice cereal goes, I'm really really hoping this works. If not it's going to mean more testing to get more answers. He's already on an oral medication but that just isn't enough at this point. Adding rice cereal did not work with Little Man, but I'm really hoping it will be enough for Peanut.

He weighs 6lbs 3ozs and they are no longer fortifying my milk. YAY!

I feel like I'm forgetting something here tonight but who knows. If I did, I'll come back and update it. Until then, enjoy the pictures of Peanut in his real clothes. He's just soooo cute!

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