Wednesday, May 14, 2008

More Bottle Feedings

Today they started using a slower flow nipple for Peanut's feeds and they have increased his feeds back up to bottle, bottle, tube. As of our 11:30pm phone call he weighs 6lbs 6ozs and he didn't have any bradys for the last two bottle feeds! He also finished the bottles in a reasonable time.

Dare we say perhaps adding the rice cereal and slower nipples is working? If he continues to have the bradys he'll end up coming home on an apnea monitor. Once he gets to 37 weeks gestation (he's 35weeks 3 days today) then he'll be able to have the sleep test done and come home on the monitor.

The belief is that his brady episodes are caused by his reflux and not just having an immature brain. The hope is that by correcting the reflux it will make the bradys stop. (At this point that's being attempted by medication & adding rice to his bottles to thicken it up and using slower flow nipples that makes him pace himself.)

Our hope is that by adding the rice he will finally be feeling better and quit having the bradys so he won't have to come home on a monitor. Then maybe he'll be home before 37 weeks.

His next issue is feeding. He's got to be completely off the feeding tube to come home. At least that is headed back in the right direction since they were able to increase the feedings again. Hopefully he'll continue to do well with that.

His isolette is again back at the lowest setting and hopefully he'll do better at maintaining his temp this time around.

He is just the cutest little thing. I did have the realization today that we won't be bringing home a newborn and words can't beging to tell you how disappointed and robbed I feel about that (and losing 2 months of being pregnant - believe it or not.) Although at the same time, we're really just happy we'll be taking home a healthy baby.

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