Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's been one month...

...since I went into labor. It's hard to believe we've been hanging around that hospital for that long now. Hopefully the end is in sight...

They did the sleep study! YAY! One step closer to coming home! It can take up to 48 hours to get the results but at least the test was done before the weekend! The sleep study is where they stick the pH probe into his esophagus so that they can find out how much acid is coming back up. The results should be interesting since he's on both Reglan & Zantac now. He's still having the brady's even on the meds so who knows where this is going. Oh wait...we know where it's going, it's going to mean taking him home with an apnea monitor & possibly oxygen at least for feeds. Oh well, at least we'll have him home! :)

Hopefully they'll get the results and he'll be able to come home this weekend. We're not getting our hopes up though. Well maybe we are.

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