Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Little Piggy!

Oh my goodness...Peanut is turning out to be quite the little piggy! We made our regular bedtime NICU phone call to check on him and he weighs 5lbs 11 ozs!!!!! His nurse also said he took his entire 8pm bottle feeding in only 8 minutes!!

I fed him his 2pm bottle and he struggled with the first half of it and then guzzled the 2nd half. He's doing so well. He has officially gone one full day with no Brady episodes. He's still not completely regulating his own temperature but the isolette is getting a little cooler each day, he's almost down to the lowest it goes.

As of today he is getting every other feed from a bottle! Once he's taking those just fine he will be upped to 2 bottles, 1 tube feed, etc.


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