Monday, May 5, 2008

Day Ten

It's already been ten days since Peanut came into this world and the good news is that he's doing as well as we could hope for. He actually took his entire 45cc feeding from me in a bottle today. It's the first feeding he's ever finished by bottle and it almost brought me to tears. I was so proud of him.

He's still having the Brady episodes but he is almost always recovering from them on his own and his heartrate isn't dropping as low as it used to. He's still not down to the lowest temperature setting on the isolette which simply means he's not completely regulating his own temp just yet. All in time though, all in good time.

Today was Hubby's first day back at work in probably 2 weeks with everything going on. He's working the mornings in his office and then from his laptop and blackberry in the afternoons. We feel so blessed that his bosses have been so flexible and understanding.

Now for the picture!

I just love this picture of Peanut's hand laying in his daddy's hand.

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