Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thank You, NICU

One pro about NICU - it can teach a baby to sleep through anything. The con - that anything could be daytime!!!! We're still trying to get his days & nights straightened out. Slowly but surely we'll get there.

We'll be keeping that apnea monitor a while after all. He's still having his bradys. He had one last night that actually scared me. And those of you that know me, know I don't startle too easily. I had to pick him up and really get after him to make him breathe again - good grief!!

This poor child has got more gas than a jet propulsion laboratory. We are constantly giving him gas drops and burping him. He'll start screaming and about 10-15 seconds later (sometimes longer) you'll hear him expel his gas and then he's fine. I feel really bad for him.

Little Man is still thoroughly enjoying this situation. When Peanut cries - he still laughs. He also can become a one man show for Peanut's entertainment which is pretty funny. Although admittedly we have to keep a close eye on Little Man to make sure there aren't any "accidents."

There is a cute video I'm going to post, but for some stupid oddball reason it's not working in here...I'll just make it the next post.

Little Man loves to lay next to Peanut when he's in the floor and he LOVES to flash me his cheesy grin. I can't seem to get enough of this. What cuties.

I take Peanut for his first doctor's visit this morning. It should be interesting to see how much he's gained since coming home. You know I'll keep you posted. ;)


We took Peanut to the doctor today and he weighed 7lbs 14ozs...chunky monkey, lol. He's doing really well. She's putting him back on the zantac and prescribed a little stronger anti-gas medication. We're hoping it will help him sleep since he gets especially unhappy once he's laying flat (which makes night time not so much fun.)

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